Two Branded Hearts

 No Halo Or Wings

How It All Started
Joel and Beckey met in October 2006.  They had both been married for 20 years and were both divorced.  Beckey had been searching for 6 years and had a list of things she was looking for in her next husband.  One of which was that he would be talented and could do something that not just everyone can do and have a passion about it.  Joel's music was this passion.  Joel had been searching for 2 years and also had a list of things he was looking for in his next mate.  One of those was someone that enjoyed music as much as he did and that could sing along with him and possibly play the piano.  The first time they sang together it brought tears to their eyes because they blended so well.  5 months later they were married.   It was one of those things where when you know it is right you don't delay.

For Valentine's Day 2008 Joel wrote Beckey a song.  It told how he felt and how she was the angel that was sent to rescue him.  He called it a poor man's Valentine gift but it was a priceless treasure to Beckey.  That day he recorded the song in a back bedroom of their house.   He recorded the music and his vocals.  When Beckey came home from work that day he had her listen to it and asked her if she heard any harmony to the song.  She said yes, and he handed her the microphone and recorded her singing the back up.  That was the birth of the song No Halo or Wings.

They enjoyed recording this song so much that they have converted their one car garage into a sound/studio room.  Singing together and performing is something that they both want to do.  Their voices are such a harmonic blend that they compliment and complete each other for a universal appeal.  They enjoy performing together.  They have had so many compliments on their sound and how well their voices blend together.  Joel and Beckey say that neither of them are perfect, but they are a perfect match for each other.
Beckey Berry was born in the East Texas town of Texarkana, Texas.  She has lived all of her life in Texas except for one year that she was in Nevada.  She is a true born and raised Texan.  Beckey has been involved with music since she took several years of piano as a child in her hometown of Atlanta, Texas.  She has been a part of youth and church choirs for many years.  Music has always been something that she has enjoyed doing.  She has directed several Children's musicals over the years 

Growing up Beckey's father was the music director of their church which gave her a lot of exposure to music.  She grew to love to sing the harmony of songs.  She feels that the harmony brings the song to life.   Beckey recently remarried in 2007 to her wonderful husband and music partner Joel.  She continues to enjoy singing and together they look forward to many rewarding years in music. 
Joel Berry was born in Corsicana, Texas and grew up in Mesquite, Texas where he graduated from High School.  He has lived in Texas as well as several years in Colorado.  Joel learned to play the guitar in his early teenage years.  Since that time he has become a very gifted and talented player and has such a wonderful style that is very soothing to listen to.  Music is one of his great passions.  Joel was a member of a Praise & Worship Band in Colorado before moving back to his home state of Texas.   Today Joel is a very accomplished guitar player as well as song writer.

Growing up Joel and his family attended church regularly.  This is where he realized how important music is to worship and developed such a passion for singing.  Joel has a wonderful lead singing voice but can harmonize just as easily.  Spending time playing one of his many guitars and singing is what gives him the most relaxation.  There is nothing more enjoyable for him than to play and sing with his wife Beckey.
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